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Turning a Passion into a Business

Turning a Passion into a Business

 Are you really great at something and people often tell you that you should start a business selling that thing?  I’m sure the though has crossed your mind a time or two.  What if you could really make a living doing what you’re passionate about?  Is it...

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This COVID-19 pandemic has forced teams to work together differently.  Everyone’s environments have changed.  Emotions will likely never be higher at work as people are concerned for their health and safety, for their financial security and for the future.  Emotions...

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ACE Planning

ACE Planning

ACE :: Awareness.  Creativity.  Emotional Resiliency. I'm so very fortunate to know some incredible women who are leading the charge for helping small businesses with what I call their ACE Plan.  I called on two incredible business women for a joint panel discussion...

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Top 10 Ways to Maximize Downtime

Top 10 Ways to Maximize Downtime

We’re all faced with time off without all the perks of an actual vacation.  Where’s the fun in that?  We can’t always choose the circumstances that we find ourselves in, but we can choose how we react to them.  Today, I hope that you choose to be proactive and...

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Make Your Health a Priority

Make Your Health a Priority

This may be the absolute most important tip I can share with you.  It doesn’t matter what your personal, career or business goals are, without your health, you are less likely to actually achieve them or to reach your maximum potential.That probably sounded a little...

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Clean Your Desk

Clean Your Desk

It’s a proven fact that clutter in your space creates clutter in your mind.  It's time to create a space that feeds your creativity!I don’t know about you, but I cannot stand to walk into my house and it be dirty.  Instead of walking in and feeling relaxed, it...

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Schedule Your Networking

Schedule Your Networking

Yes, I said it.  Schedule your networking for the ENTIRE year.  The only way for you get results from the organizations that you are a member of is to actually show and participate in their events.  Paying the membership fees and not showing up is loco.If you’re a...

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Make a List of Things to Delegate

Make a List of Things to Delegate

One of my favorite things to do and to teach is delegation.  I talk about my to do list a lot; mostly because it is one of the most consistent things in my business.  My to do list is always long and always staring me down. Here’s why I love delegation: 1. It forces...

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Create a Reading List

Create a Reading List

I know.. who has time to sit down and read a book?!  I know I don’t.  God bless Audible.  I listen to books and podcasts through Audible all the time.  You don’t have to drive long distances to benefit from Audible.  Whether your commute is an hour or 15 minutes, you...

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Meet 20 New People

Meet 20 New People

Given the theme of this video blog series, you shouldn’t be surprised that I’m going to ask you to meet 20 new people in the next 20 days.  Don’t be afraid.  It’s easier than you think.You are connected to more people than you think you are.  Let’s take a look at the...

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Update Social Profiles

Update Social Profiles

What’s better than free marketing?  In business, not very much.  Free marketing is the best gift someone can give your business. If this is true, then why do so many businesses and business professionals pass up the opportunity for free marketing?  You need business...

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What’s Your Top 10

What’s Your Top 10

Yes, we’re on day 13 and I’m talking about your top 10.  If I had thought this through a little better, we’d be doing this little exercise three days ago.  Oh well, here we are. You can approach your top 10 list in several ways.  Pick what’s right for your business or...

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