Thank you for your interest in sharing your expertise with the viewers of ‘Ammie’ and the ‘GBC’. Please take a moment and answer a few questions so that we can determine if this partnership could be a good fit for our viewers. The more we know about you, your company and your products and services the better we can develop an interview that highlights who you are and how you, your products and services and changing lives.
We view our guests as partners.
We have a mission to impact as many lives as possible and we need our partners help in expanding our reach. We also value your time and expertise. To show our appreciation for sharing your knowledge and the great works you are doing for the business community, we would like to aid you in growing your efforts. In this package you will find information that outlines each entity’s commitment for a mutually beneficial partnership.
Please note that if you are selected as a guest, a phone interview will be required within two weeks prior to taping.
Guest Information
Guest Information
We appreciate you. We know your time is valuable and your expertise is marketable. In return for time and knowledge, we will perform the following activities to help to spread the word about your participation.
- The show and your involvement, the show, clips of the show or links to external postings may be listed on one of the Speyre Network websites, www.ammiedover.com and/or www.larekpointconsulting.com (as relevant).
Social Media
- A combination of your name, company name, logo, headshot and/or bio will be used in accounts owned by both the Speyre Network and Ammie/Larek Point Consulting
- We ask that you promote your participation in the Speyre Network show on all of your websites and social media accounts beginning at least 7 days prior to air date.
- Be sure and tag us EVERYWHERE! Our social media handles are:
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/ammiedoverfan
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/speyretv
- Twitter: @ammiedover, @speyrenetwork
- Instagram: @ammiedover, @speyrenetwork
Release Form and Liability Waiver