Thank you for your interest in sharing your expertise with the viewers of ‘Ammie’ and the ‘GBC’.  Please take a moment and answer a few questions so that we can determine if this partnership could be a good fit for our viewers.  The more we know about you, your company and your products and services the better we can develop an interview that highlights who you are and how you, your products and services and changing lives.


We view our guests as partners.


We have a mission to impact as many lives as possible and we need our partners help in expanding our reach.  We also value your time and expertise. To show our appreciation for sharing your knowledge and the great works you are doing for the business community, we would like to aid you in growing your efforts.  In this package you will find information that outlines each entity’s commitment for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Please note that if you are selected as a guest, a phone interview will be required within two weeks prior to taping.

Guest Information

Guest Information

  • Your Information

    Tell us a bit about how you specifically serve businesses.
  • Media

    Please provide links to other media interviews. Also, please provide a link to access your media kit or attach it with this submission. Media kit must include a current headshot and a .jpg or .png version of your logo with a transparent background.
  • Social Media

    In our efforts to ensure that we are establishing a true partnership, we require that all guests have a minimum combined social media follower/fan count of at least 6,000. List social count below.
  • Contact Information




We appreciate you.  We know your time is valuable and your expertise is marketable.  In return for time and knowledge, we will perform the following activities to help to spread the word about your participation.


Social Media

  • A combination of your name, company name, logo, headshot and/or bio will be used in accounts owned by both the Speyre Network and Ammie/Larek Point Consulting




  • We ask that you promote your participation in the Speyre Network show on all of your websites and social media accounts beginning at least 7 days prior to air date.
  • Be sure and tag us EVERYWHERE!  Our social media handles are:

Release Form and Liability Waiver

Release Form - Liability Waiver

  • RELEASE FORM - For consideration received, which I acknowledge, I hereby grant to the Speyre Network, Ammie Dover and Larek Point Consulting, their agents, their successors and assigns, and those acting under their permission, or upon their authority, or those whom they are commissioned for the documentary: In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the above-identified program produced by the Speyre Network, I agree that the program may be distributed without limitation through any means and that I shall not receive any compensation for my participation. I further agree that my participation in the program confers upon me no rights of use, ownership, or copyright. I release Speyre Network, LLC, Ammie Dover and Larek Point Consulting, LLL, their employees, agents, and assigns from all liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation in the program. I confirm that any and all material furnished by me for this program is either my own or otherwise authorized for such use without obligation to me or to any third party. I also agree to the use of my name, likeness, portrait or pictures, voice, and biographical material about me for educational, program publicity and organizational promotional purposes. I hereby agree and consent to appear on the above-identified program and I promise and obligate myself to appear thereon unless the program is cancelled or I am indisposed or unable to appear because of a reason or cause unforeseeable at this time. I hereby waive the opportunity or right to inspect or approve the finished photographs, films or tapes or the use in which they may be put or the copy or illustrations used in connection therewith. I hereby release all my rights, title and interests in and to all negatives, prints, tapes and reproductions thereof, and I do hereby release the aforesaid parties and their successors and assigns, if any from any and all rights, claims, demands, actions or suits which I may or can have against them on account of the use or publication of said photographs and/or motion pictures or tapes. I have read and understand the release stated above and do hereby agree to its terms and conditions.

    LIABILITY WAIVER - Liability Waiver: In consideration of my appearance on the premises of any facility utilized by the Speyre Network and Ammie Dover for taping of shows, I for myself, my heirs, personal representative or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Speyre Network, LLC, Ammie Dover, and Larek Point Consulting, their trustees, directors, officers, employees and agents from liability from any and all claims including negligence resulting in personal injury, accidents, or illnesses (including death) and property loss arising from use of premises. Assumption of Risk: Participation on shows to include production on set or on location carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I have read the previous paragraphs and I know and understand and appreciate these and other risks are inherent in the activity I am participating in. I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks. Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless Speyre Network, LLC, Ammie Dover and Larek Point Consulting, LLC, their trustees, directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities including attorney fees as a result of this use of premises. Severability: The undersigned further expressly agrees that the forgoing waiver and assumption of risk agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Georgia and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
  • Clear Signature
    I understand and agree to the terms of both the release form and the liability waiver.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY