How Big is the Gap
Let’s have some real talk. How big is the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be? Is it small? Is it large? Do you have any idea? Does it seem too daunting to even try to figure it out?
This doesn’t have to be a scary process. It just takes a little time to outline what your success really looks like. I happen to think that this is an exciting thing! It’s exciting because once you’re clear on where you are right now, you can get clear on the action steps it will take to close the gap.
You’re more likely to close the gap in a timely and efficient manner when you have a clear direction to move in. It’s not enough to say you’re going to grow your business by making more sales. I mean… duh. I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this right now, you know that it takes more than sales to build a thriving business.
What’s Missing?
The part that most business owners miss is the strategy needed for more sales.
It doesn’t matter if you’re business lives in the digital space or on the corner of Main Street, every business needs the same fundamental things. It all begins with your plan, your roadmap, your GPS for Success, and what will become your accountability partner.
Do yourself a favor and carve out some time in your schedule this week to take an honest look at your business.
Let’s start with answering a few questions.
Does your marketing attract clients?
How did your current clients find you?
Do you get bogged down in running the business and don’t seem to have a lot of time to focus on growing it?
Do you know what it will actually cost you to grow?
Are your employees running at maximum efficiency?
If you don’t know the answer to these questions or the answers makes you a little uncomfortable, it may be time to take a closer look at your business and define a real strategy to creating an environment that facilitates growth.