Create a Reading List
I know.. who has time to sit down and read a book?! I know I don’t. God bless Audible. I listen to books and podcasts through Audible all the time. You don’t have to drive long distances to benefit from Audible. Whether your commute is an hour or 15 minutes, you can listen to quite a bit of information in that short amount of time.
I also like to have a good mix of fiction, non-fiction, and learning. Right now, I’m listening to a podcast about what life was like on the home front during World War II. It includes first-hand accounts from people drafted. I learned that the first lottery number called in the draft was 158. I don’t know when besides right now I’ll ever be able to use that piece of information but I found it interesting just the same. World War II had the biggest shift in production of commodities on a National level that the United States has ever seen. It was also a pivotal time for women and minorities as they began to enter the workforce in mass. While this podcast clearly was not a business book, I learned a great deal about a time that shifted business and the workforce in a major way. I’m not a big history buff so a podcast with short episodes during my short commutes is perfect.
Here are a few personal and professional development books that are on my Audible must ‘read’ list:
- The Power of Habit
Success rarely happens by some miraculous event. Success is created by a series of small actions performed consistently and with intention. Learn to create healthy habits that makes doing the little things second nature.
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
I’ve read parts of this but never all the way through. One of my favorite quotes of all times comes from Stephen Covey – “Don’t prioritize your schedule, Schedule your priorities.’ I live by this quote. If you’ve been following along, you know that I live by my calendar and my to do list but I assure you, it reflects my priorities.
- Own the Day Own Your Life
I’m really looking forward to this one because I am a firm believer that you have to set your intention for every single day. I’ve never heard of this author. If you read this before I do, come back and leave a comment on how you liked it.
I truly believe in continuous learning. Self-help is not for people who don’t have all their stuff together. Self-help is for EVERYONE.
One of the things I love so much about what I do is that I get to learn from so many different people in so many different industries. Then I get to take all of that knowledge to the next client or project. Each one of my clients makes me a better consultant. Each book I read makes me a better problem solver. Learning is a life-long journey.
Need More?
Need a little more guidance planning for the success of your business? I'll let you in on a secret - I need guidance all the time! Really! The absolute best thing I have ever done for my business was to decide not to do it all alone.
That's why I built the DoverDrive Experience. I know what it's like to carry the weight of a growing business on your shoulders and feel the pressure of having to know everything at all times. It's exhausting and impossible.
Inside the DoverDrive Experience, you're getting learning/doing content shared with you EVERY week. That means you create a cycle of business development.
You see, the biggest mistake that business owners make is that they only work ON their business when something isn't going right or when they don't have enough business to meet financial goals. The truth is, if you work on yourbusiness continuously, you'd have less problems and less periods of feast or famine.
Join us inside the DoverDrive Experience and let's get started GROWING your business.